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JunJun Hu, M.D.
Postdoc Fellow




M.D. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tongji Medical College, China, 2002

Research Interest:

Lipid raft signaling, Endothelial dysfunction, Cellular mechanism of lipid lowering drugs, Podocytes pathophysiology

Selected Publications:

Hu JJ, SJ Jia, PL Li. Statins Block the Formation of Lipid Raft Redox Signaling Platforms in Coronary Endothelial Cells. FASEB J 23: 2009.

Zhang C, JJ Hu, M Xia, C Brimson, N Li, PL Li. Protection of podocytes from hyperhomocysteinemia-induced injury in the kidneys of mice lacking gp91phox gene. FASEB J 23, 2009.

Zhang C, JJ Hu, JX Bao, C Brimson, N Li, PL Li. Lipid-raft redox signaling platform and apoptosis of podocytes upon homocysteine stimulation. FASEB J 23: 2009.